Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Summer Time She Needs To Come Faster

why i would like summer to be at this very moment (as in not winter)

- short wearing is fun
- swimming is coolio (or just floating around like the lazy person i am)
- sun tanning
- jumping on the trampoline
- walking to kwik trip or just wandering
- bike riding
- no school of course
- mission trip (helpin' the people yo)
- camp!! i am so pumped for inspiration point
- sleepin' in
- doing nothing just cause you can
- going to the mall
- going to valleyfair
- hanging out with friends every single day
- watching videos all day without feeling guilty that you're not doing homework
- not frickin' having to do homework!!
- reading outside because you won't get frost bite
- dance through the park singing i'm walking on sunshine (believe me it happens)
- play mario all the live long day (what up)
- practice my accents (like scottish and sarah palin and other crabstickz accents)
- laying in a grassy field at night and look at the stars
- plan spontaneous sleepovers
- have bonfires with smores
- play night games (and day games)

and more stuff,


12 purple roses said...

plan...spontaneous....that doesnt work. anyway. AGREED. now you made me want it to be summer. oh well. i can wait. we only got like 3 months and a week until summer. anyway spring has to come first, and spring is cool too, so we can wait.

jennjeanne said...

well you can plan spontaneously because it's summer and summer is awesome. yes ONLY 3 months but i guess that isn't really that long. i suppose i will make it.