Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Will I Do?

What am I going to do with my life? A question we ask or hear all to often and yet one of the most valid questions there are. I see my life going in many different directions but I'm sure which one I want. Obviously the first direction I would like my life to go is to college but for most people college means figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life after college. There are several careers I think would be exciting or fun or whatever but I don't know which would I would be best at or which one would work out the best. I know I'm only 16 but it's still something to think about because when is the right time to decide what you're doing with your life? I have no idea so I figure now is as good a time as any. So I have some options I think would be good (it should be noted that I haven't fully researched or found out if I'm any good at any of these, it's just things I think I would like):

-Interior Designer
- Play/ Movie Set Designer
- Writer and/or Illustrator
- Artist/ Cartoonist
- Movie Writer/ Director/ Producer
- Actress/ Youtube video maker (yes this is a job)
- Owner of thrift/ consignment store
- Graphic Designer
- Animator
- Musical Performer and/or music teacher
- Book Editor/ Publisher
- Charity Worker (not sure how this would make money)
- Movie Critic/ Professional Movie Watcher (probably not a thing)
- Youth Ministries person/ Work at Inspiration Point (or something similar)
- World Traveler (not sure about money on this either)

That's all I can think of at the moment. Yeah it's not exactly a small list which is why I am so conflicted. Obviously if I found out more specifically what each person does it might narrow down the list but it seems like there would be so many interesting things to do which is good I guess because the other option is there's nothing good to do with your life but still it causes confliction. Ok I don't think I'm any closer to an answer but I like writing out all my options to see what there is.

So Many Choices,