Monday, May 31, 2010

NTCTM (No Title Comes To Mind)

ahhhhhhh! my legs totally got sunburnt today cause we went to my uncles house and i was outside all day. i wasn't even in the sun that long cause i went in the shade when i got to hot. so i didn't think it was that bad but now i saw theyre all burnt and theres totally a line from my shorts which looks really weird. "cause i'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby" -Jonas Brothers (Burnin Up) i guess im really into song quotes lately. who knows. so i randomly thought to write about giving meaghan piano lessons. it started before cause i was gonna teach nicole but i never actually had her come for a lesson so we both forgot about it. but then when her and raisa came over i was like i should teach you to play the piano and she was like ok. so that day we went through some songs cause i had the beginner books from when i was gonna teach nicole. and so she had another lesson on friday and i think its easier cause she's older than when kids usually start so she catches on faster (plus of course she's super smart so she should catch on faster). I think i will try to have her come for a lesson like every other week or something so its not so long in between that she forgets stuff. its too bad she doesn't have a piano at home but it should be fine for now since the stuff is pretty easy. so yeah that was kinda random but whatever. what else do i got to talk about (besides my bad grammar apparently). read the post before this one cause i just put it up like yesterday.

smile for the sun(but not at the sun cause you could go blind),

p.s. i just wanted to have a p.s. on here. i didn't have anything else to say :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Life is Like Your Favorite Song Playing On the Radio (aka good)

It's so great outside i should be writing this out there. ONLY 8 DAYS LEFT OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! (pause while i dance around and freak out). "and i just can't stop singing now cause it makes me happy. like a fantasy right in front of me all the time. it makes me happy." - Drake Bell (Makes Me Happy)
 how does this always happen while your at school its seems like it lasts forever but when its almost over it seems short. time is messed up. but yeah anyway im planning on spending a lot of outside just enjoying the fact that im not at school. plus of course hanging out with friends and waving on the bridge!!!!!! la de da i guess that's it. oh and today im seeing shrek 4 cause you gotta see the last one. we'll see if it's any good.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Friends Are Great, You Always Have Someone To Laugh At

ok so on hotmail you can put like pictures and stuff on your "profile" or whatever it's supposed to be. and savannah reise is always putting stuff on it and when i sign in it shows what she put up because she's in my contacts so anyway today i was bored and didn't have email so i was looking at the pictures she put up which were basically a random collection of her the voss twins, sovanna, emily d., and kaitlyn (who i totally forgot existed even more than i forgot the west people) and on some of them there were little quotes like- "Friends are the most important ingrediant in the recipe of life." and "A friend is someone who believes in you when you cease to believe in yourself." ok the first one just makes me laugh because it's so ridiculous and the second one is just sappy. but what really makes me laugh is thinking of the quotes we would use instead like- "A good friend helps you up when you fall and a best friend is the one who pushed you down in the first place." or "if you're my best friend, what did i do wrong?" but i think that means that we'll be friends way longer than they will be because sappy crap gets old but laughing lasts forever. oh crap that was sappy wasn't it. oh well whatever you have a little of both.


p.s. i was looking on photobucket to see what ones they had on there and i found this one. " A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you forget the words." this is the most sappyest, ridiculousest, weirdest thing i've ever heard. every time i read i start cracking up because it doesn't sound like friends it sounds like some lesbian couple or something.

p.p.s. i challenge you to find the sappyest, funnyest friend quote you can find and put it in a comment.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Perspective on Writing

There's a lot things i don't know but one thing i do know is that to be a good writer you have to like telling stories. Like i am always telling stories about stuff that happens to me and before i've even seen someone i want to tell the story to i'm figuring out how im going to tell the story. whether im a good writer or not can depend on the day. That's another thing about writing, you can't force it or it won't be as good as you want it to be. That's why writing for school can be hard because even if you really don't feel like writing you have to because there's a due date. plus usually they make us write about dumb stuff and barely ever stories. so yup that's what i gotta say about that. i think i'll put up a story i started writing a while ago. it's not that great but it was fun to write it-

Once upon a time, there was a princess. This princess did the thing all princesses do. She sang. She sang while she did her lessons and danced and between bites while she was eating (for you know it’s very rude to sing with your mouth full). But one day people started to get tired of the Princess singing all the time so everyone working at the castle went to a meeting to try and decide what to do. The meeting was taking a long time because no one could come up with a good idea. Meanwhile, the princess began to wonder what was going on because usually one of the maids would have fetched her by now to go to dinner. After a long time of waiting the princess decided to find out what was going on. She had never left her room alone, she had always had a maid with her, so she didn’t know her way around the castle. Since her quarters were at the top of a tower she decided to go down the stairs and surely she would remember the way when she got to the bottom. As she was walking down she thought it seemed like there were more stairs than usual. She figured it was just because there was no one to keep her company. She soon found herself in a dark, musty hallway. The princess had never been here before and wasn’t sure what to do. She decided to walk down the hallway and hope she saw a servant that could help her. There were many doors in the hallway but all of the doors were closed except for one from which she could hear voices coming from. As she got closer the voices began to become clearer.

i know i kinda stopped in the middle but that's all i wrote so far and i don't feel like writing more now.


p.s. princesses are lovely aren't they? tee hee