Sunday, October 17, 2010


ok right now stop reading this and watch jake and amir: couples therapist 1 and 2. the laugh is the greatest thing in the world. ok so go. right now. what are you waiting for watch it it's hilarious. no seriously get out. oh yeah by the way happy birthday to me!!! ok now for real get out. 1.......2.........3............ does counting mean nothing anymore? gosh. ok im done here you better be watching the video now.


Sunday, October 10, 2010


10-10-10. it doesn't really mean much it looks cool. i just got done writing my snapshot for english. its suprising i wanted to post after writing that cause i just wanted to stop writing. who knows. anyway it is exactly one week til my birthday. woo hoo!!! it doesn't really seem like its gonna be my birthday. i dont know why. and with my birthday means taking my permit test. i should really start looking at that stuff again cause if i took it now i would definitely fail cause i forgot a lot of it. it shouldn't be too hard after i look at it again though. i'm supposed to be dusting my room right now (another thing that comes with my birthday because we have the party here) but oh well. when i'm done we're gonna make cookies. you think that would be a good incentive but apparently not. luke says hello or at least i'll assume that's what he means when he smooshes his face on the ground. i realize this is probably the most boring post ever but i guess that's what happens when i write a story and then write on here. the interesting writing has been sucked out of me. ooh that sounded creepy. whatever i don't know. ok we'll just end this here. i'll try and think of something good before i post again. we'll see how long that takes.......