Thursday, January 29, 2009


yay!!horoscopes!! i dont know why but i like reading these even if the stuff doesnt happen.but if the stuff does happen thats awesome!!

CaPriCoRn Dec.22-Jan.19
If you wake up in a blue mood, remember that you can turn things around just by willing them to be different. You can make yourself start feeling good as soon as you start thinking good thoughts! Toss out your worries, your fears, and your preoccupation with unconstructive things. It's important to feel your feelings and give yourself time to process them, but there comes a point when you just have to say 'no' to negative thinking. To help switch your emotional gears, watch a sitcom or visit with a funny friend.

AqUaRiUs Jan.20-Feb.18
Things are just not going to go the way you want them today, no matter how feverishly you wish or how hard you push. But your mood is so great that you probably won't care too much. The earlier you give up your adamant beliefs, the sooner you will get back to being in a good mood. You have to choose your battles, and today you should choose none, thank you very much. And don't fear that you are losing influence! Just because you can't get your way today does not mean that you won't get it tomorrow.

PiScEs Feb.19-March 20
You are starting to think about making some big changes in your life, probably because one of your friends has been going through a dramatic transformation lately and you are feeling inspired! Start today by asking this person for a few pointers on how to go about a new evolution. They have some excellent advice to give you, and some of their inside secrets should surprise you. Your attention will be very flattering to them, and it will encourage them to keep on going on their new life path!

ArIeS March 21-April 19
One of your favorite people is moving into an exciting new phase of their life, and their happiness is rubbing off on you! You couldn't be more excited and proud that they are having all their good deeds rewarded. Get involved with what they are doing with enthusiasm, and some of their good karma will also rub off on you! Not everyone can be this big hearted, and your stature in their lives will benefit from your support. This is a growth phase for your relationship.

TaUrUs April 20-May 20
Embarking on new beginnings is always important, but make sure that you aren't losing appreciation for your old connections. Every step you have taken in the past has led you to where you are today -- and where you are today prepares you for getting you where you are meant to go. So make time for old friends in between hanging out with new friends. Send a thank you note to that teacher or mentor who helped you. Realize that your life is not just about the future.

GeMiNi May 21-June 21
It's a good idea to reexamine your toughest goal today -- because it is probably too unrealistic for you to reach, at least just yet. Frustration is not a good motivator right now, so ratchet things back and give yourself a more reasonable expectation of what can happen in your given time frame. You deserve to feel like a success, not like someone who can never quite reach that brass ring. Adjust your sights and be more reasonable. The win will feel just as good.

CaNcEr June 22-July 22
Spice up your day by making a connection with a stranger -- go on and smile, flirt, or simply start up a casual conversation with someone you've never met before. Having genuine, face-to-face contact with an unknown entity will give both of you a rush -- and a reminder that people are just people, and everyone likes being liked. You can choose to have a pleasant experience instead of an average one, it just take a tiny little bit of effort. And the reward is always interesting, at the least.

LeO July 23-Aug.22
Your professional life is getting lighter and brighter, but you can expect things to get hot and heavy in your personal life! This is something you have been waiting for, and you are more than ready to take advantage of it. Call up your sweetie or your crush and plan something social with them as soon as possible. They are in this phase too, and when the two of you get together the energy will be palpable. Where you are going may not be clear, but it's clear you are going there together.

ViRgO Aug.23-Sept.22
Before you get involved in any new project, competition or relationship today, you need to put things on pause -- take another long look at the last project, competition or relationship you were involved in. There are some loose ends that still need to be tied up in a neat little bow. Make sure you finish it up completely before starting on something new. You know that you've got to close that door before you will be totally ready to open up another one.

LiBrA Sept.23-Oct.22
Are you getting the distinct impression that someone at work thinks that you are a pushover? Today, give them a sweet surprise and show them that you know how to stick to your guns and get the job done! As soon as you flex your muscles, they will probably stop seeing you as a doormat and start seeing you as a force to be reckoned with. You can expect better behavior from them in the future. Being more commanding with people can be addictive, so watch out!

ScOrPiO oct.23-Nov.21
Let your mischievous side come out to play for a little while today -- it's nice to be good, but it so much more fun to be naughty! You deserve a little silly distraction today, and you've been itching to play some practical jokes and pranks for a while. As long as you're not hurting anyone's feelings or doing damage to someone's belongings, you've got a green light for fun times. You have a few friends who would love to get in on the good times, too.

SaGiTtArIuS Nov.22-Dec.21
January 29, 2009 There's no need to worry that you are losing things today -- anything you lose either doesn't really matter or can be easily replaced. Just let yourself get carried away and do your thing without worrying about little details. You've got bigger fish to fry! For a while now, you've been over thinking things a bit too much -- and this has been keeping you from moving forward. Stop worrying whether or not you'll fall on your face and just move forward!

Friday, January 16, 2009



“Meranda Weathers here for work!” I said as I walked up to my boss’s desk. “I’m so glad you decided to pick me to work here. I know a lot of people tried for this position so it’s an honor that you thought I was best for the job. I can’t wait to show you how-”
“Listen, Amanda” my boss said cutting me off completely.
“It’s Meranda” I corrected her.
“Well whatever your name is squeeze your chatbox for a second would ya. I’m trying to finish my crossword. Let’s see here 8 letters for bothersome.” This was an outrage! How could she just cut me off so she could finish her stupid crossword? I was not going to let this happen to me.
“I don’t think that was very fair I was just-”
“Annoying!” my boss shouted cutting me off again!
“Excuse me but that is no way to talk to a person that is trying to be nice” I said, furious.
“No, you got it wrong Mandy,” my boss said trying to defend herself. “I figured out the crossword. Eight letters for bothersome is annoying.”
“Oh. Well still, before you cut me off and totally dismissed what I was saying. Four-fifty an hour is not worth this. I quit!” I said walking out mad as a hornet.
“Oh and one more thing,” I said turning around. “It’s Meranda, you bubble headed twit!” With that I walked out, slamming the door behind me.

i think its kinda funny cause the boss llady is totally delirious and the girl's kinda a spazz cause you wouldnt just quit like that. hope you liked it :)


Monday, January 12, 2009


It's been snowing all day and it's still snowing. i hope it keeps snowing all night so we get a snow day tomorrow. that would be awesome!!!i dont have to go to piano cause my mom wont drive in snow!!yay!!!!i wish i knew if we had to go to school tomorrow or not cause if we didnt i wouldnt have to finish my math til tomorrow.

let it snow,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!!!This year my resolution is to live in the moment and make the best or every(or at least most) situations.and this year we get to go to the freshman center.yay!!!(i just thought of that) so enjoy 1/1/09 cause it'll never come again.

happy new year,