Friday, May 30, 2008


I know that it's wet and the sun is not sunny
but we can have lots of good fun that is funny
it's fun to have fun
but you've got to know how!!

~~follow the rainbow path.let the pretty colors drift you off to La La Land.~~

~~how soothing~~

Thursday, May 22, 2008


i'm falling!!! must grab something! oh no theres nothing but grass! oh look theres a dog come back little dog!ouch!i just landed that really hurt. oh crap i fell into a alligator pit!! must run for my life!oh no they've got me i need to bite back!yay!!! now i'll run into the mud with the elephant and pigs because then i can be cool!wow a snake with eyelashes how exotic!!!!oh no the snake has frosted flakes and they have 110 calories!!!must get away from the calories they go right to the hips!!help!!!theres a wild boy chasing me!!!! he keeps screaming maybe i can distract him with the little yellow bird!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!!!!!!! A BOTTOMLESS HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

You Drive Me Crazy

Friends-Can't live with 'em can't live without 'em,
they make you crazy in a good way and a bad way.

the chairs in the "you drive me crazy" video look like the chairs in the choir room.

i was totally the best in the play(dirty blonde locks and the 3 bunnys) was probably cause i was really dramatic and i had the funny parts(and a guitar/cane solo which was awesome)

give to FMSC(feed my starving children)so little hungry children can eat!

the Clique series is SO good!

this has been the most randomest post ever so wit' dat...


p.s. s'all good in da hood!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Guess What Day it is!!!

you guessed it, it's friday!!!(if you didnt guess right find a calander, and fast) you know how sometimes things just occur to you even if they seem kind of obvious?(that was a little confusing but oh well)well i just thought of something(i dont know why) i started thinking how after the first week of school we felt we had been in middle school forever and now it seems like it was just the beginning of the year. we have less than a month left of 6th grade and it feels like yesterday we hadnt even been in school for a month yet.i just cant believe its May!!!!(of course that might have something to do with the weather:))cause that means its almost june which means...
ITS ALMOST SUMMER!!!!!! (and then raisa can stop complaining that its not summer)
so as laugh attack would say....

JeNnIfEr JeAnNe