Monday, February 21, 2011

Tweens Can Go Live in a Box

a known fact: you should not be proud of the fact that you are a "tween". it's fine if you are one cause you can't really avoid that but don't be like OMG i'm a tween and it's totally like kewl!!!!! this is wrong for many reasons.

1. the use of OMG and kewl and excessive exclamation points all in one sentence makes me want to throw you down the stairs or throw up.

2. the term tween means you are in between being a kid and a teenager which means that you are nothing.

3. being that age just kinda sucks cause you think you're too cool to act like a kid but  everyone else thinks you're too young to act like an adult (even though you aren't too cool and you are too young. they just think this way which is why they are so irritating)

4. the word tween was made up by adults that think they are hip and know the lingo.

so you see there is no reason to be proud of the fact that you can be put in the tween age group. the best thing you can do about it is refuse to use this word, pretend that it does not apply to you, and wait until you're a teenager because being a teenager is ridicky-donky (awesome).

the expert on dumb words,


12 purple roses said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this honestly made me laugh really really hard ahahahahahahahaha. especially numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. hahahahahahaha and the title. ahaha this is so true. did you get this from that one chick who follows like everybody thats linked to my blog? cuz thats what i thought of..the ginger one. hahahahahahahahahaha excessive excalmation points i hate those...thats exactly what it makes me want to do. hahahahahaha which means that you are nothing. lol. number 3. i agree. ahahaha. hahahahaha that think they hip and know the lingo. ahahahahahhaahhaha. im still laughing. relly hard. ahahahah. refuse to use this word and pretend that it does not apply to you ahahahahahahahaha. being a teenager is ridicky-donky. ahahahahahaha. i like how you put awesome in parentheses ahahahaha. you are an expert on dumb words. like ridicky-donky. ahahahahaha. my day is double or triple made i cant remember how many times it was made today but anyway now it was made again. well bye.

jennjeanne said...

yes that girl is like the stereotype 6th grader i couldn't believe it. i just wanted to be like go away now. haha sheesh i guess it was funnier than i thought.

JESS =) said...

well wow......

Milica Tolimir said...

wow. non of us prms kids do that unless theyre 6th graders. :(
but otherwise idk. hahhaha but thats pretty funny

12 purple roses said...

hahaha im still laughing...oh offense kid....even though its true

jennjeanne said...

sorry but it's true. you'll get it when you're older. haha i hate when people say that but it's true so whatever. and milica everyone at pms is like that. that's why it's a dumb school. well that and the teachers try way to hard.

12 purple roses said...

try way TOO hard. LEARN SPELLING. i am now not talking to you. except i might call you soon so besides that im not talking to you.

jennjeanne said...

that's a fail. you talked to me all day so ha.