Tuesday, November 29, 2011


i don't like eggnog cause it has an awkward texture and tastes all glaggerroggmlalllaadf. that is the noise you make when you drink it cause it's so weird.

i'm sure you've heard of Saturday Night Live (also known as SNL) and recently i have started watching it and it is hilarious. that might seem obvious but i had never actually watched it so i didn't really know if i would think it was funny. some of my favorite people on there are bill hader, seth meyer, andy sandberg, and jason sudeikis.

do you know how fantastic justin timberlake is? well he is. he is super good looking, has a good voice (for singing and such), can be a funny actor and an intense actor and he's just awesome. it's true. this isn't as random as it sounds cause the first SNL  i watched was hosted by him and he was in the movie i saw last week.

in other news we're going on vacation for spring break!! wooo!!! we're going to florida (shut up raisa) and we're gonna go to universal (the ride part) and harry potter world! you are so jealous. i can tell.

try to be interesting and funnny cause i'm collecting stories but people are like i don't have any good stories so they must have pretty sad lives. you should really work on that

J-witz (not jake from jake and amir)


12 purple roses said...

1. eggnog is gross.
2. seth meyer is my future husband.
3. it's samberg not sandberg.
3. florida sucks.
4. i only said that cuz you said shut up.
6. yeah, i'm kinda boring.
7. bye.

jennjeanne said...

1. exactly
2. no he's mine
3. whoops
3. blah to you
4. that's what i figured
5. yes be jealous
6. yes you are
7. um ok then