Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Me On California On

drip drop goes the rain. whoooooooooooosh goes the wind. yup that's what the weather sounds like. i like when it's rainity and windity and cloudity outside sometimes because then inside it seems more cozy inside and you're like oh let's sit by the fire and read a book. which of course if you're not stupid is a great way to spend time. ok so usually kassemG is just kind of annoying but his california on videos are hilarious. if you don't know who kassemG is he is a popular youtuber. on youtube. obviously. so california on is where he asks people in california about random topics like 2012, twilight, and holidays and stuff. he's super creepy and racist and just says weird stuff to people hanging out on the beach in california. now of course i like a bunch of other people on youtube (CRABSTICKZ) no but really i like a lot of different channels on youtube but i won't list all of them cause that would be boring and take too long plus i'm always adding to the list so it wouldn't be right for very long so yes tis my reasoning. that is all for the momento.

see you in california,
Da Bomb Digity (me)


12 purple roses said...

that was a lot of rambling.da bomb diggity. LOSER.

jennjeanne said...

well what else is new. and not a chance