I’m the type of girl who will burst out laughing in dead silence because of something that happened...yesterday
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Check Out The Video!!
My Hands Are Bananas!!!!!!!! That thing is hilarious!! The first time i watched it i thought it was just weird but then i watched it some more and its really funny!! So watch the 3rd video over there -->
WHAT THE HECK. do they really live in germany? if so why is the video in english? beware of the monkeys? what? who is the milky pirate? do i want a banana? who are the random background singers? what were they saying about stripes and the other thing? what? i just dont get it! but it is pretty hilarious... especially the hairy hands
WHAT THE HECK. do they really live in germany? if so why is the video in english? beware of the monkeys? what? who is the milky pirate? do i want a banana? who are the random background singers? what were they saying about stripes and the other thing? what? i just dont get it! but it is pretty hilarious... especially the hairy hands
also why doesnt he like chili?
thats kinda what i was thinking the 1st time i watched it but now i think it's just hilarious.
its so weird......................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as;ldkfkjalsdkjfasldfkjfdsfjklaldsfkjklasljkdfkjlafsdajkljadsljksjdfkdflkjsdflkjklafsdjkllkjafsdljfsd as;dlfkj ;alsdkdjf a;lksdjf a;lskdsdjf a;lkjdf alaskdfj a;laksdjff a;lsadkfj a;laskdfj! alasdkjsdslkfj
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