Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ObAmA wOn!

BARACK OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!!!!! i'm happy that he won cause i liked him better than John McCain and so did raisa,meg,and nicole. here's a song and/or rhyme thingy that i came up with in civics(it's kinda lame but i think it's funny)

Obama's mama wears pajamas with llamas

yay!!! that was fun!!!


p.s. iagtbowtebhbtjmaebtsp stands for something.try to figure it out :)


12 purple roses said...

it stands for something something something something barack obama will something something something something something someting something something something something something something something yeah that's right i got it ok houw about this: iawmastigasatavvvvvwafi!!!!!!! i betyou'll never figure it out and by the time you give up i will probably forget

jennjeanne said...

ok then.does that actually stand for something? if it does youre right i probably wont figure it out cause i'm not gonna try.ha ha!!

12 purple roses said...

guess what i forgot what it stands for