Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I love life!!!! it's so good and right now i feel completely happy with my life. sure its not perfect but no one is so im close enough. i know this probably sounds crazy but its true cause i have food and all that stuff but more importantly i have family and the BEST friends!!! I mean i have Tib, Meg, Nicole, Emilee, Abby, Marissa, and theres people who wanna be my friend. (Well and Cory that doesnt really count but to bad:))


12 purple roses said...

um excuse that's true and all but who are you and what have you done with the real jenjeanne?????

12 purple roses said...

oops i mean excuse me

jennjeanne said...

i know i know but i couldnt help it i just felt really great then for some reason and i had to write it

p.s. Im crazy and dumb for putting the last (well almost last) part on there. oh well

jennjeanne said...

ok never mind it is actually last