i have decided to have segments on here (btw my definition for segment:a group of posts with a theme) my first one is called What's The Difference (and why it matters) it mite (i refuse to use the word may) sound weird now but when you read the first one it'll make sense. and it mite sound stupid but to bad cause it sounds good as a title. now since i know your dying to read the first one i'll give you a sneak preview (kinda). The title of my 1st (writing first takes to long) post of my 1st segment is: Hate/Can't Stand/Dislike Greatly.intrigued? well to bad cause im not writing it today. WAHAHA!!!!!!!!!JK (not really!!)
your segment writer,
p.s. doesnt segment sound cool?
ok, that was kind of random, slash confusing slash INTRUIGING. what up with that??????????????? but yes you should totally write and What's the Difference (and why it matters) is an AWESOME title. it reminds me of this book i saw at target once called "I AM AMERICA (and you can too)" yes it's weird but kinda cool. bye now
ha ha i didnt even finish the first post of the segment and i gave up. how sad.
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