Tuesday, August 26, 2008

NEW COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I figured out how to change the colors of everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!i knew there was some way since laugh attack's colors were different and now i figured it out!!!!!!!!

p.s. go to You Tube and type in canvas bags and watch the first one its the most hilarious thing i've ever seen!!!!!!!

Never Looking Back

i cant think of anyhting to say so i'll exert-

I put the key in the ignition and listened as the car started up. At first i forgot why i had avoided this moment for so long but then i glanced at my leg and remembered exactly why. Even after remembering i didnt want to back down. For some reason when i had woke up this morning i had the longing to drive, to have control of the wheel again, to have the the freedom to go as i please. Why this was i'll never know but the feeling and longing was strong, so here i am sitting in the driver's seat after so many months feeling afraid, but not afraid enough to go back inside. Taking a deep breath i shifted into reverse and eased the car down the driveway. Then i shifted into drive and drove for miles never looking back.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So Funny!!


u haz 2 go there it's supa funee!!!!!!!!!!!

dat is all i haz 2 say :D


Monday, August 4, 2008


I'm sick.I have a cold and it's SSSOOO annoying!!so now someone should bring me soup.someone's bringing me soup now!yay! cause i called my mom(she was driving home from work)and said she should bring her poor little sick child some soup and so she's getting me soup.tee hee!

your poor little sick friend,

p.s. read the dear dumb diary series.theyre hilarious!!